1800 30th Street
Bakersfield, California 93301
Successfully led and maintained Kern County Farm Bureau’s financial stability while the Nation’s economy was depressed. Reached out to more youth to become involved in Agriculture through increased scholarship opportunities while highlighting more involvement with local FFA teachers. Closely worked with elected officials on both sides of the aisle at the local, state and national levels to build positive coalitions to better solve the issues faced in Kern County Agriculture. Eloquently communicated the many issues facing agriculture, including the shortage and importance of water, as well as food safety to the public through various media sources.
Represented and initiated the successful “Spray Safe” pesticide notification program. Worked with Kern Drift Prevention Coalition and the Kern County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office to develop this safety program. Actively took part in events to stop efforts for a “Tractor Tax” which informed public and government officials about the impact of local farming and ranching Involved in the development of a CFBF bylaw change dealing with the composition of county board of directors. The change redefined “bona-fide” farmers and also allowed “non-bona-fide” farmers to be directors.
As a Board Member, Peter was instrumental in creating and forming the Kern County Sheriff’s Department Rural Crime Task Force. As President, Peter fought to continue this worthwhile and successful program. Developed, coordinated and instituted the Tire Collection Program with the County of Kern, which helped clean up rural areas in the county. An avid supporter and advocate of both ag education programs. Worked closely with the media and public to advocate views and opinions of the ag industry. Began a financial investment program to help ensure financial stability for future years.
Increased level of participation in legislative activities on water, endangered species as well as environmental mandates and controls. Supervised growers workshop on Regulation VIII applications for diesel pumps. Continued strong support for Agriculture Education, Health and Safety and Young Farmers and Ranchers programs. Supervised filing of legal action against the Federal Government’s ESA listing of the Buena Vista Lake Shrew.
Supervised the payoff of the mortgage of the Farm Bureau office. Increase emphasis on Ag Education and the Michael R. Mettler Scholarship. Maintained an active involvement in legislative affairs, and covered major water, air, dairy and land use issues. Promoted active interaction with the Kern County Board of Supervisors and local community groups.
Supervised the completion of the new office building at the Kern Ag Center. Continued to focus on legislative activities on both local and state issues. Created a strong working relationship with the Kern County Board of Supervisors and County Department Managers. Promoted a strong membership recruitment program. Continued to speak out on important ag issues such as Air Quality, Water Development, Land Use, and the Williamson Act.
Increased involvement in KCFB legislative activities including water resources, air quality, clear water, Williamson Act, and rural crime prevention. Continued support of Ag education through Farm Day and the Teachers’ Ag Seminar. In addition, helped sponsor a major membership program in cooperation with Mesa Marin. Responsible for the acquisition of the Chamber of Commerce building as the new KCFB office.
Encouraged membership involvement resulting in more participation by general members, committees, officers, and staff. Placed key emphasis on being proactive on legislative issues, water development, property rights and reform of the Endangered Species Act. Under his leadership, KCFB has obtained its highest membership total in 28 years at 1503.
Private Property Rights became the number one issue and KCFB was the catalyst for the formation of the Coalition for Property Rights. Tim continued to work for lower agricultural energy rates and completed a very successful membership drive.
Responsible for helping plan and conduct one of the most successful ag chemical collection programs ever held. Began work on helping establish a reasonable Habitat Conservation Plan for Kern County. Active in the legislative arena and continued work on securing a stable water supply.
Promoted an active program of work including the development of a placemat expressing the bountiful agricultural production of the Golden Empire. KCFB developed a series of television ads depicting the positive side of agriculture. Special emphasis was placed on legislative affairs with KCFB taking an active role in various legislative matters.
Recognized as a dedicated, innovative agriculture leader. This leadership proved to be a valuable commodity necessary for a recovery from one of the worst farm depressions since the 1920’s. Supported the valley-wide air pollution study. Instrumental in formation of Kern Alfa.
KCFB reached an all time high for activity in all areas especially Legislative Affairs. KCFB brought home various awards and honors from the California Farm Bureau. KCFB has continued to be looked upon by the Press as the Voice of Agriculture for Kern County.
Participated in local and state legislative affairs. Testified in Sacramento on legislation affecting agriculture, water, taxation, and governmental affairs. Emphasized political education.
Carried on the Kern County position of support for the peripheral Canal and led the tractor cade through the streets of Los Angeles to emphasize the need for completion of the State Water Project. Participated in the lawsuits filed by AFBF and CFBF against the UFW government grants. Selected as one of the six outstanding Young Farmers of the nation by the U.S. Jaycees.
Led successful effort to pass Proposition 13. Instigated the Rural Crime Prevention Program and held the first Cotton Safety Seminar in Kern County. Sponsored the first of two Labor Law Seminars and passed a board resolution opposing CETA grants to the United Farm Workers. Participated in the forming of a Water Well Ordinance for Kern County and carried on an extensive Legislative Awareness Program.
Bureau of Reclamation – 160 Acre Limitations. Initiated Kern County agricultural opposition. Organized news conference and elected officials tour of fields during 1976 cannery strike. Aided in organizing grower efforts during strike. Established new KCFB offices at 2727 “L” Street. Served on CFBF Growth Study Committee.
Participated in authorization of overweight loads for perishable agricultural items on county roads. Established KCFB Young Farmers & ranchers Committee. Urged the passage of workable farm labor legislation.
Participated in dedication ceremonies for A.D. Edmonston Pumping Plant. Participated in organizing meetings to streamline service in the local ASCS office. Supported implementation of CFBF Cotton Division. Established Michael R. Mettler Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Conducted meetings throughout the county to assist members with clarification of labor union contracts. Supported the Ag Commissioner’s recommendations regarding the use of 1080 treated grain for ground squirrel control. Hosted 34 foreign visitors from the United Nations during a tour of the county.
Participated in the implementation of the Open Space Program in Kern County. Supported the Ag Commissioner’s contention that pesticide application reports be held as confidential information. Participated in the Citizen’s Advisory Committee for Air Quality Control.
Water Problems Committee instituted activity to allow depreciation of capital costs in development of water distribution systems. Participated in hearings to establish a “Host-Free Period” to combat pink bollworm. Introduction of the Safemark Tire Program.
Supported the Water Contract between the State of California and Kern County Water Agency. Participated in a community work and training program. Kern Delta Water District formed. KCFB Citrus Section formed.
Participated in formation of Kern County Tax Coordinating Council to work on county budget problems. Introduced Farm Bureau Farm Workers Insurance Program in Kern County. Opposed dual grading of beef.
Achieved a membership high of 1770. Supported Section 708 of Wool Act developing research and promotion of wool and lamb products. Participated in the organization of Wheeler-Ridge Water Storage District.
Expanded the Farm Bureau building to house the Water Association and Cal-Farm Insurance. Supported the California Water Plan. Opposed the importation of livestock.
Participated in the organization of the Water Association of Kern County. Supported the use of Tidelands Oil Funds for Water Development. Passed a resolution supporting a voluntary, per bale, cotton assessment for research and promotion.
Institured policy of voluntary contribution of two cents per irrigated acre over and above membership fee. The Water Problems Department began working on the Feather River Project. The Kern County Hay Growers Association was formed.
Reorganized KCFB from an association to a corporation. Organized “Voice of California Agriculture” to expand Farm Bureau public relations.
Longest tenure in office of any President. Purchase of the first Farm Bureau office. Participated in the organization of: Cal-Farm Insurance COmpany, Cal-Kern Farm Supply, California Farm Bureau Marketing Assn, Cal-Approved Seed Association. Became region 3 director CFBF.
Concerned with issues in the areas of water, labor and transportation, and power rates. Worked to develop farmer interest at the center level. Encouraged farm centers to set up programs far in advance.
Conducted the first board meeting held in the new county agriculture building. Initiated extensive tax and county budget studies. Spearheaded action to hold the line on county government spending.
Requested the Kern County Board of Supervisors to provide an agriculture building to house all offices pertaining to agriculture. Supported formation of the Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District.
Successfully opposed the application of sales tax on fertilizer. Hosted the first CFBF convention in Kern. Established the policy of offering notary public service to members. Aided in establishing the U.S. Cotton Experiment Station in Shafter.
Worked to lower electric power rates to Kern County agriculture. Farm Bureau membership became a “Family Membership”. Successfully opposed assessment levied by Los Angeles Health Department on milk shipped from Kern County.
Activated a rodent control committee for service to farmers. Supported the co-operative plan of cotton marketing leading to establishment of the San Joaquin Cotton Growers Association.
Formed Kern Farmers Labor Agency to recruit farm labor. Organized the Cotton Sales Agency to assist in the sale of Kern County cotton.
Formed Kern Farmers Labor Agency to recruit farm labor. Organized the Cotton Sales Agency to assist in the sale of Kern County cotton.
Initiated all our farm safety programs. Secured more county fruit inspectors for packing sheds. Initiated printing of daily market reports on cotton futures in local newspapers.
Kern County Farm Bureau joined the San Joaquin Valley Farm Bureau’s Utility Association to combat problems in that area. Appointed First Secretary Manager of the Kern County Farm Bureau.
Formed the first Water Supply Committee to negotiate water problems with the State Water Commission. Finished tenure with 825 members.
Lowered railroad freight rates on alfalfa hay. Established a farmer’s telephone line. Instituted plans for Agricultural Fair Association.
Established First Monthly Publication. Led the Kern County Farm Bureau to 202 members in two years.
The Kern County Farm Bureau stands as a pillar of support for local agriculture and our community. Through collaboration and steadfast advocacy, we stand alongside farmers and ranchers, ensuring they have the support needed to keep agriculture thriving.
Our mission is to preserve agriculture as a cornerstone of our community, safeguarding its future and educating the next generation on the vital role it plays in all our lives.